Another collaboration with Clydwyn with more rhyming text and even bigger mistakes in penmanship! Yay/Ugh!
First, the rhyming scroll. It was only after I had turned it back in that I noticed I’d used the wrong spelling of “here.” Luckily, the illumination is gorgeous. Maybe nobody will notice.
This is what happens when you try to erase the pencil lines too soon after applying the ink and brush your hand across a section that hasn’t fully dried yet. Also, I had trouble spelling “Barony” and got the date wrong. Sigh. Thank goodness for perg. The corrected ink is a bit fuzzy, but it’s legible and I managed to remove the huge smear.
Materials: Pergamenata, ruler, pencil, eraser, Ames lettering guide, cartridge ink fountain pen, surgical blade, horror and guilt