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Class Period I (11 AM - noon)

Workshop: Writing Songs About History
- THL Cobflaith ingen Sitriucca meic Imair

Songs were written in the SCA period about historical people and events, and they weren't all interminable sagas! We can do this, too!

Trovadorismo from the 12th Century: a Bard-King's Legacy
- THL Jose São Pacian

A brief history of Portugal with a focus on how a true Bard-King turned courtly music in to a music that unified a nation.

Class Period II (3 - 4 PM)

You Can Choir Too!: Performance Practice
- Jaravellir Choral Guild

Join the Jaravellir Choral Guild for a short concert and an explanation of ensemble performance practice. Wrap up the hour by joining in and singing with us!


Aesop's story of the monkey and the dolphin